The non-profit organisation in charge of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for household paper and packaging in France, CITEO, has been always a reference on good practises regarding eco-design criteria through its COTREP[1]initiative leading Eco-modulation of its tariffs to reward or penalize packaging companies according to their environmental level of commitment.
On its annual rate for recycling household packaging document, called “The rate list” or “La grille tarifaire” on its original language, CITEO rewards by means of “cumulative bonuses and premiums” and penalises by means of “progressive penalties” applied to the financial contribution that packaging companies must pay according to the current tariffs applied for each type of packaging and material. Bonuses and premiums are established to encourage eco-design of packaging and raise awareness about sorting, and penalties are established to avoid non-recyclable or recycling-disruptive packaging leaving time to implement alternative solutions.
In the case of thermoformed PET packaging (pots and trays), CITEO customers may apply a premium up to 0,40 €/kg to their financial contribution by weight of material for “PET rigid” (0,3891 €/kg) if they are incorporating recycled PET coming from household packaging waste. The premium is described as follows in “The rate list” document by CITEO:

Which means the following financial contributions results and savings in these two examples[2]:
Example 1
Packaging company that buys to a Sheet manufacturer rigid PET with 50% rPET from bottle + 50%rPET from trays for manufacturing 1 tonne:
1.000kg * 0,3891 €/kg – 500kg * 0,05 €/kg – 500kg * (0,35+0,05) €/kg = 389,10€ – 25€ – 200€ =
= 164,10€ (total saves: 225€/t = 42%)
Example 2
Packaging company that buys to a Sheet manufacturer rigid PET with 50% virgin PET + 20% from bottle + 30% from tray to manufacturing 1 tonne:
1.000kg * 0,3891 €/kg – 200kg * 0,05 €/kg – 300kg * (0,35+0,05) €/kg = 389,10€ – 10€ – 120€ =
= 259,10€ (total saves: 130€/ton = 33%)
OurRETRAY Product certificate can be used by packaging companies, that place products on the French market, to obtain this premium. Do not miss the opportunity to obtain this important saving for the incorporation of PET tray-to-tray recycled content in France.
If you are interested in obtaining our RETRAY certification, please contact us:
[1] These calculations should only be taken as an example. The result of the contribution and savings will depend on the certified data provided by the PET sheet manufacturers regarding recycled percentage content and post-consumer origin.
[2] Created in 2001 by Citeo, Elipso, and Valorplast, the Cotrep – Technical Committee for the Recycling of Plastic Packaging – assists manufacturers in the development of recyclable plastic packaging solutions in France