Circular Economy, RETRAY Certification / 31.07.2023

Companies renew their circular economy commitment with RETRAY

Companies renew their circular economy commitment with RETRAY

RETRAY is a certification scheme to consolidate a circular economy model in the value chain of thermoformed PET packaging by quantifying the content of recycled material and verifying its recyclability. So far this year, 16 companies have already confirmed their commitment to the circularity of PET thermoformed packaging in Europe by renewing their certification or approval under the RETRAY scheme, and it is expected that by the end of the year more than twenty additional companies will also renew or be certified or approved for the first time.

The sheet and/or thermoformed manufacturing companies that have already renewed the RETRAY certification of their processes in Spain have been SP GROUP (facilities in Espiel, Córdoba), BANDESUR (facilities in Santa Ana-Alcalá la Real, Jaén), ENVAPLASTER (facilities in Viana, Navarra), ONDUPET (facilities in Almendralejo, Badajoz), ECOBOX (facilities in Lorca, Murcia) and BENZAPLASTIC (facilities in Alcalá la Real, Jaén). Additionally, KP (Água Longa, Santo Tirso facilities) and AMB (Udine and Amaro facilities) have renewed the RETRAY certification of their processes in Portugal and Italy respectively.

Regarding packaging companies, FRATELLI RIVA began the year renewing its RETRAY certification in Italy (Molteno, Lecco facilities) and ARGAL (Miralcamp, Lérida facilities), CAPRICHO ANDALUZ (Cabra, Córdoba facilities), GOIKOA (Sangüesa, Navarra facilities), ELPOZO (Alhama de Murcia facilities) and recently CAMPOFRIO (Olvega facilities, Soria) has already done so in Spain.

For its part, PREZERO has renewed the approval of its facilities in Les Franqueses del Vallés in Barcelona as a recovery company of PET trays and SULAYR of its facilities in Valle del Zalabí in Granada as a recycler. In addition to the pending renovations that will be carried out, in the remainder of the year it is also expected that new tray management, recovery and recycler companies will be approved in Spain, Italy and France.

The importance of the RETRAY certification lies not only in the benefit it brings to the companies that obtain it by being able to demonstrate the traceability and veracity of the information regarding the recycled content and recyclability of their packaging, which has already become a legal obligation, but also in drive that this certification scheme is carrying out to ensure that more than 1 million tons of PET trays placed on the European market each year are recycled and comply with the recyclability guidelines.

You can consult the list of certified and approved companies here.