Circular Economy, Training / 22.05.2020

The PLASTIC SENSE Foundation organises two webinars about the ECOSENSE and the RETRAY certifications

The PLASTIC SENSE Foundation organises two webinars about the ECOSENSE and the RETRAY certifications

The PLASTIC SENSE Foundation organises two free webinars on ECOSENSE certification and RETRAY certification on June. Both ECOSENSE and RETRAY are circular economy initiatives aimed at increasing the sustainability of the value chain of companies and products related to the thermoformed PET tray industry.

The webinar “ECOSENSE, practical guide to obtain certification” will be taught by Miguel Beas, Technical Director of EXTERNA SOLUCIONES, who will talk about what ECOSENSE is and who it is aimed at, why the inspection by an Accredited Entity is necessary, what the steps to obtain certification are. Compliance requirements and obtaining certification and maintenance will also be discussed.

The webinar “RETRAY, certification of sustainable PET trays” will be taught by Mónica de la Cruz, Manager of Certifications and Projects at the PLASTIC SENSE Foundation, who will speak about the current situation in the sector, why the RETRAY project arose, what the RETRAY certification is and what its requirements are. She will also review the state of the art of the market and the next phases of the project.

Both seminars will be taught in Spanish and will last approximately 45 minutes. Webinars are free, but pre-registration is required. Once the registration is formalised, the participants will receive the link to be able to participate in the training action.

Webinar ECOSENSE (Tuesday  2 June, 10:00h): Registration form  – agenda

Webinar RETRAY (Tuesday 9 June, 10:00h): Registration form  agenda