RETRAY Certification / 23.10.2024

RETRAY approval of two new recyclers

RETRAY approval of two new recyclers

During the summer, Ecosense Foundation added two new post-consumer and post-industrial tray recyclers to the Retray circuit. Both companies focus their activities on the recycling of PET containers for the disposal of their customers.

This achievement, made after passing the respective approval audits of the RETRAY Scheme procedure, is a milestone in the progress of the Foundation’s mission, which is none other than to promote the development of the tray-to-tray recycling infrastructures necessary for all thermoformed PET containers to be recycled and reusable in Europe by 2030.

CircularPET IV-80, manufacturer of food grade rPET pellets from PET trays, is born under the slogan “from waste to resource” which sums up its mission and establishes its commitment to the circular economy and the development of its recycling operations at its facilities in Albolote, Granada.


B. For Pet s.r.l. Società Benefit, VP Italia Group, is an Italian company specialising in the production of recycled plastic whose recycling facilities, located in Campolattaro, Benevento, have been approved by the RETRAY Circuit Foundation.

Its facilities are capable of processing 12,000 tonnes of PET containers per year, which are transformed into recycled raw materials (R-PET) through sorting, shredding and flotation


The Ecosense Foundation would like to thank both companies for their commitment to the circular economy of thermoformed PET packaging and for their efforts in passing the certification audits.